The Harvest
The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow.
Sow an act, and you reap a habit.
Sow a habit and you reap a character.
Sow a character and you reap a destiny.
James Allen
Last week was the Harvest Moon. Big, bold, bright, and a reminder to harvest all that was sown over the past year.
This is where I wanted to begin, but when I woke up, and begin reflecting back over all that I had created over the past year, and my mind kept coming back to my greatest harvest. My two children, who are not children anymore, but full-grown adults with successful businesses, beautiful lives and most importantly, huge, loving, hilarious, generous hearts.
Yup, we had our ups & downs, still do, and I know there were a lot of things I could have done differently, but, I realize, that if I were to focus on all the things that didn’t work, it would be futile. So, I am practicing compassion with myself, knowing that, just like my parents, and their parents, we all do the very best we know how to do in the moment.
One thing to remember as we begin this process is that the purpose is to reflect with compassion.
It is through this compassionate reflection, looking at the results in our lives, that we can become aware of what worked, what didn’t, and decide what changes need to be made moving forward, in a space of loving kindness. A space that propels us forward out of love rather than fear of not doing it ‘right’.
As we enter this time of reflection, the last quarter of the year, coming into the darkness of the Winter Solstice, it is a good time to look back not only at the past year, but the last few years, or decades, maybe even your entire life.
I put together a short meditation for you to get you started on this journey of reflection. You can find it HERE
I love the quote above, because it takes us to a deeper level. A level beyond the results. It takes us deep into who we are and what we stand for.
The results, the harvest, in your life will tell you exactly what is important to you. What your values are. And if they don’t, you know where to make new choices.
Here’s a question for you. If you were asked right now to list your top three values, what would you say? For most, we tell ourselves, “of course I know what my values are”, but those same people are hard pressed to make that declaration with confidence and clarity. I speak of this, because I was there too.
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to mentor in the Yoga & Life Coach Training, and we addressed this very thing. (BTW, the next training begins Monday the 12th and are held quarterly, and I highly recommend this training, especially if you are a yoga instructor, and would like to become a certified Life Coach, using the foundation of the Yoga Sutras. For more information about this training, use the contact form!)
Out of this mentorship, came my newest coaching program, V.I.P. Vision Casting, which I am offering in private sessions and now in group sessions.
The group sessions will be done over the course of five months, with an hour-long session the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Here is an outline of the program.
October Values –> Discover WHAT YOU STAND FOR
November Identity –> Uncover WHO YOU ARE
December Purpose –> Bring to light WHY YOU ARE HERE
January Vision –> Cast your Vision, WHERE YOU ARE GOING
February Mission –> HOW YOU WILL GET THERE. This will be the introduction to the next five months: The Manifestation Formula.
I have decided to offer this in a group (Zoom) setting for a couple of reasons.
- The power of working in a group can take you places you can’t go alone.
- It is a more affordable way to access this dynamic work.
Each session will include a guided meditation or visualization, activities we will do together and sharing. In between sessions you will have action steps and journal prompts to further support the work we do as a group.
I am so excited about this new program, and I know you will love it!
To get registered CLICK HERE You will create an account in Ubindi, my Online Studio ‘registration desk’, scroll down to October 14th, and click to register for the VALUES Call.
Oh! I almost forgot, if you are a member of Yoga2Life Online Studio, all group coaching is included with your membership! Can’t beat that!
I look forward to seeing and working with you!
For more information about the Yoga2Life Online Studio CLICK HERE
What are you harvesting this year?
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