“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
–John F. Kennedy
Gratitude is the buzzword for sure during the month of November when, here in the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving.
But what does it really mean?
How do we practice gratitude?
Why practice gratitude?
The dictionary definition is: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
How do we practice?
An easy way to begin a daily practice of gratitude is simply by either journaling or bringing to mind anything and everything you are thankful for. All people, places, events and things in your life that has led you to now.
Include the obstacles you have overcome, the challenges in your life and even what we tend to judge as bad or wrong, for even these have given us lessons, which are gifts.
Remember the small things. That first sip of coffee or tea in the morning, a beautiful sunset, laughter of a child, the breeze on your skin on a hot day.
The more we become aware of the things and people in our lives we are grateful for, the more aware we are of how much of life is worth being grateful for!
Why practice gratitude?
Gratitude changes everything!
During your gratitude practice begin to notice a smile on your face, and a warmth in your heart.
Just like when we get on our mats and practice our asana, or meditation. The more we do it, it becomes a habit.
When gratitude is a habit, we can utilize it during those challenging times to shift our perspective and put a smile back on our faces.
Gratitude is the ideal soil for planting seeds of intention. If you are manifesting anything in your life, you must begin and end with gratitude.
There is always something to be grateful for!
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